Connecting Faith In the Marketplace


Prayer Network Blog

What Have You Done Lately?

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In Matthew 25:14-30, a wealthy man distributed talents (monetary resources) to his three servants and then later requested an update about how they are using their individual talents. The two servants who doubled their talents were commended and praised. The master rebuked the servant who neglected to use his talent effectively. The parable reveals that every person is responsible for producing meaningful results by using the talents they have been blessed with—both in ministry and the marketplace.

Profitable businesses and productive teams are effective when goals are clearly understood, and everyone’s focus is on delivering successful results. A mid-year checkpoint with your leadership team, department or supervisor is a fundamental, yet highly effective practice.

Incorporating these four simple steps when assessing your teams will keep your organization on track:

  • Measure:  Document the metrics that relate to your goals. Did the revenue exceed or meet the established target? Is the business generating a profit? Are the expenses above or below plan?
  • Continue:  Determine which projects should continue because they are successful.
  • Stop:  Decide on which activities to eliminate that are not producing expected results. Projects that drain time, energy and resources without producing a positive result should be put on the chopping block.
  • Start:  Identify new activities that can be initiated to capture emerging opportunities in the market or generate additional revenue. 

June is the ideal time to make a mid-year assessment of your team results as there is still adequate time to shift gears or launch new efforts. Remember that failure to measure and monitor results is a recipe for failure. Always ask for God’s wisdom to ensure long-term success!

Ivy H. Bennett, MBA, PMP

Global Business Prayer Network

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 Our mission is to provide spiritual support to Christian Businesses & Marketplace Leaders Globally.

The Global Business Prayer Network is being established so that we can take the lead spiritually and dominate in the marketplace. Prayer is the force that shifts every situation to align with the expected results. We have been given authority, and through prayer we enforce our authority and allow God to intervene in our earthly affairs.

We must not just pray inside the church building. Prayer cannot just be an activity that we do in our Sunday worship services. Prayer must also be implemented throughout each of the seven mountains: Media, Entertainment, Government, Family, Education, Religion, and Business. 

Prayer is a lifestyle.  We can no longer hide our faith or be satisfied with just being religious.  Prayer is about relationship and releasing the power of the kingdom of God wherever you have been assigned. Prayer is for the CEO, the athlete, the entertainer and every working professional and nonprofessional. It engages heaven in our circumstances and releases divine assistance in any workplace, company, or industry when appropriated.  Strategies are given in prayer to solve problems on another level. This gives every believer the prophetic advantage in every situation.  

Every business deal can be settled in prayer. Prayer is how business is conducted in the kingdom, and what you have decreed in prayer will be established. The “secret weapon” for every believer is prayer, whether you’re a ministry leader or a CEO. What you do in secret, God will reward you openly (Matthew 6:6).

Isaiah 48:17 declares that “God will teach us how to profit and lead us in the way that we should go.” As leaders, we must know how to tap into the economy of heaven and command what we need and desire from the storehouse to transfer it from the spiritual realm into the natural.

When we pray the Word of God by faith, we prove that we are trusting in God and not in man or our own intellect or understanding. We prove that we are relying on God to direct our path, and LEAD us into our place of grace. God watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). It’s time to implement prayer and release the power of God in every meeting, board room, office space, and business, so that God can be glorified in all that we do.

Minister Tiffany K. Jordan

Prayer Network Manager

Can Prayer Really Make A Difference In My Business

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To most people, prayer and business are at opposite ends of the productivity and profit spectrum. We naturally associate prayer with our spiritual lives.  But when it comes to our everyday business and career affairs, we tend to limit our resources strictly to our mental capacity.

Prayer is a greater resource than capital, consultants and contacts! Why? Because prayer removes human toil and accesses God’s grace and wisdom to assist us in every area of our entrepreneurial pursuits. Prayer does not substitute for the due diligence and hard work required to make a business successful. (Some might even say laboring in the Word and in prayer [spiritual work] takes greater effort than natural work!) Prayer just connects us with God’s wisdom and power, making work more productive, fulfilling and profitable.

Let me share some real life business-related scenarios of how we have used prayer as a resource:

Property Purchase

When Dr. Winston pursued the purchase of the Forest Park Plaza mall, for months, prayer was going forth almost daily, using specific scriptures, confessing and thanking God for our mall. He mentions that at the signing of the contracts he was so “drunk in the spirit” he needed assistance to his car! There was fervent prayer taking place during the closing to ensure a smooth closing and no last minute delays.


There was a time in BWM where funds were stagnant. We went into prayer boldly and passionately, determined to get a financial breakthrough. After about 45 minutes of prayer, we got a call that a significant donation had just been received.


Many businesses begin in the home office, and space is usually limited to an extra bedroom, the basement or even a corner of a room. Our home offices are only as big as the average bedroom, so every time it looks like we have maxed out our space, we go into prayer. Spending time praying in the Spirit has always revealed better ways of arranging furniture, making room for more file cabinets, book shelves, desks, office equipment and travel bags!

Life Management

For the entrepreneur, life can get complicated trying to manage a lot of moving pieces, hoping nothing will fall through the cracks. Praying in the Spirit helps draw wisdom from God to organize our thoughts, tasks and time. Prayer helps the mind to receive wisdom from our spirit. The times where an idea just dropped in my spirit (in contrast to figuring it out with my mind) are too numerous to mention!


Luke 18:1 says men ought always to pray and not to faint. When the pressures of life come, from work, home or people, prayer pulls us away from the temptation to handle things in the flesh. Time in prayer gives us perspective, and restores that peaceful and unshakable equilibrium to address the challenges that come.

We would love to hear from you, our readers, on how prayer has helped you and your business.

Send us your testimonies!

Dr. Veronica B. Winston


The Praying Entrepreneur

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A gift opens the way
    and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Proverbs 18:16 NIV

As an entrepreneur, I had to understand the importance of being Spirit-led in the marketplace, and how prayer is an essential part of moving forward with ideas, making connections and growing in my field. My entire career in sales and marketing consisted of prayer. 

Through prayer, I received an opportunity to be paid a full-time salary while working only 15-20 hours a week. This baffled my fellow co-workers until they requested me to pray for their sales too. Prayer gave me a strategic exodus from the workforce as an employee, and spearheaded my drive and desire to establish my own fitness business. As you may know, opening up your own business has enough hurdles to jump over.  However, with prayer, I was able to navigate the terrain of a first-year entrepreneur successfully. 

I experienced a 300% increase in profits during my second year in business in comparison to my first year, which is understandable being that the business was still young. However, we are currently in our third year and have forecasted another increase of 35%.  Spending time in prayer and the Word of God is essential to my progress and thought process. 

I am now launching a new business venture which revolves around a mobile application that has the potential to revolutionize shopping. I'm going into the area of technology with no experience in that industry. My background and education are in marketing, but prayer opens up the mind of God in us.  I had to learn and consistently remind myself that it's not my business plan, marketing strategy or even connections that prosper me. It is the secret time that I spend with my Father that encourages, empowers and directs my business affairs. 

I am a proponent of hard work, and gaining necessary skills needed for my career; however, the best skill that I have acquired was and is the ability to pray and listen to my Father for His direction in business. 


Rick D. Applewhite, CEO, Exercise Life, Inc.



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